Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Lets go back to tuesday, fly chaus aeroplane to BA. Sorry again as i am a lazy pig. Haaaaaa. Went to patricks home for dinner. We watched tvb drama, the one showed on 7:30. I asked patrick what is 重口味 about newspaper wrote about 江美儀 in this drama. He said 口味獨特. Haaaaaa. Btw, she acted very good and real, like a second wife.

For yesterday, determined going annas rpm challenge. I love her so much and admire her attitude to work. Shes not hea and give so much effort on every single classes. Dont know how she has that energy and wonder if i could be her in my forty!!!!! After she said "kawaii, i cannot see your sweat, turn your resistence more!!!!!!!!" , i pushed myself harder and it worked, my energy back!!!!! wa!!!!!!!! Love it.!!!!!!


  1. Good Job Keroro!!! Spin classes are a killer for me, i tried a few times, my legs are wobbly afterwards!! and i didn't even turn up the resistance! -.-

  2. Jo, lets ride together next time. Easy option if u can't make it. Simply ride fast in low resistance and no bouncing still works for buring fat. Heeeeee......
